My eyes! They burn!

Had a great few days away with my sister and her family. Though we learned a valuable lesson: don’t wait until the final minutes to grab a group shot. Especially when the sun starts to sink.


A little "yes" in my life

I knew I was going to love this as soon as I tentatively asked, Can we have our cocktails by the pool? and Ed our waiter said, Yes! You can have them IN the pool!

IN the heated, adults-only, outdoor pool looking at the mountains of Stowe, Vermont.

Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.

Yes!, you may have olives stuffed with blue cheese even if it means we have to don a rubber glove and stuff them by hand.

Yes!, you can come to lunch wearing nothing but a big fluffy white robe. We won’t even flinch when you dump a bloody mary down the front of it.

Yes!, you may have s’mores by the campfire even though you are a few decades older than most of our s’mores roasters. And tipsy.

Yes!, we’ll pick you up and drive you to town for dinner. Oh, and of course, we’ll pick you up and bring you back whenever you want.

All of this “yes” makes for a lovely four days away from home, but a helluva adjustment coming back to three kids, as you can imagine.

No matter. Going away with my sister and four friends to welcome her into the folds of forty, was worth the long drive, the expense, and the painfully obvious return to NO! which I now realize I hear more than I cared to consider.

Many thanks, Topnotch Resort & Spa, for all that yes. I needed it.

(yes, I want to go back)

Wordless Wednesday: I love Brooklyn edition

Just one photo today, and a few words:

Jilly and I spent three days in Brooklyn both for work and fun. I attended the most awesome kids’ music conference, Kindiefest, and spent loads of time with a very dear friend (I almost said “old friend”, but I’m getting of the age when I prefer not to call anything “old” but my kitchen).

Oh, and I cut all my hair off the day before we left.


‘Twas a lot of fun. More stories to come.