Wordless Wednesday: Leaping

We’ve submitted our application:


I’ll know in a short while if we will be public-school-sanctioned homeschoolers. Or virtual schoolers. Or oh-my-goodness-what-have-we-done-and-do-you-really-need-our-immunization-records-you-do-realize-you-can’t-catch-anything-through-the-computer schoolers.

Wordless Wednesday: How to teach really confusing history

Do you remember in the mid-1800’s when Russia and Great Britain fought to get control of Afghanistan?

Yeah, I had no clue. . .

But now I know that the Playmobil Russians tried to convince the My Little Pony Persians to join together to overthrow the strongman dude in Afghanistan and gain the upper hand against those Star Wars British in India * . . .

*you can read the rest of the story in The Story of the World, Volume 4: The Modern Age, pages 25-29**

**the kids still don’t really remember it, a week later, but hopefully some day all this stuff will pay off

Wordless Wednesday: Life is Good

Some photos from the most awesome Life is Good two-day festival. We attended Sunday’s festivities.

Ahhh, Belly, you are so right. . .

Kids’ stage performers The Sippy Cups in all their wackiness.

I Am Not Your Broom! (it was hard to tell who was more excited to see They Might Be Giants: the kids or the adults).

Belly watching her first “rock” show, OK Go (great set, btw!)

Love these guys. And the kids too.

For once, Belly thinks my blog is cool: It gave us access to the very chill Chase Freedom Tent with airbrush tattoos, free candy and food.
Zoinks! The coolest balloon hat evah!

We also got to see Laurie Berkner and Dan Zanes perform, play tug-o-war (kids vs. adults–guess who won?), watch BMX bikes soar through the air, and make sure we exhausted the kids with lots of running around on top of a parachute.

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday, eh?
And I realize this isn’t exactly a “Wordless” Wednesday post, but it’s pretty good for me!