My Tough Little Niece

A fair number of family and friends-of-the-family check this blog out from time to time, so I wanted to share a few more photos of my delicious little niece who was born the other day.

Here she is with her arm in bandages, but beautiful nonetheless.

One thing I didn’t mention in my post about her birth is that when she was born, her arm was wrapped around her neck. This caused her poor little elbow to fracture as she was coming down the chute. Fortunately, she is a trooper and has already healed herself! So advanced for her age!

Here is the big brother, my adorable nephew, holding his new sister.

I love how he is looking at her. He has no idea that someday she will eat his Halloween candy.

Wait. . .is she saying something? He leans in to hear better, and. . .

. . .she eats his nose. Ahhhhh, siblings.


  1. Jen Magnuson says

    Ooooh! God, that is so cute! And aren’t babies amazingly resiliant?? What wonderful pictures. And now I must go lock myself in my bathroom so I don’t go tell my husband I need another wittle baby. Baby pictures do that to me.

  2. nuttnbunny says

    You just made my yogurt, honey, flax seed, and almonds almost shoot out my nose. Ow!

    Don’t you think she needs some little pink graffiti on that cast?

  3. Oh that is so precious!! She must be in training to be a gymnast or something. I have never heard of an arm wrapped around a child. I am glad that she’s doing ok. Let the spoiling commence. Oh, I see that it has already!

  4. Whirlwind says

    Oh the poor little girl. At least it doesn’t seem to be bothering her. I know when Moe was born, they checked both her hips ans shoulders as it is real easy for breech babies to dislocate them on the way out.

  5. Mrs. Chicky says


    So sweet! I love that last picture.

  6. Adorable pictures! Thank you for sharing…and those little ones are amazing at how quickly they heal from those traumatic injuries sometimes caused by birth.

  7. Apparently, our little gal is taking a cue from her Fairly Odd Auntie and all her broken bones. I already told her your advice about breaking things: “It shows you’re livin’!”

    Thanks for the positive vibes. We get to take the cast off this weekend, and her belly button fell off today, so now we can start dressing her in all the fab pink outfits you gave her! Whee!

  8. Motherhood Uncensored says

    I’m so late on this all — read it and then well, was too much in shock about the elbow to say anything other than “Holy Cow Mrs. Q and Baby Q you are a rock star”

    Congrats and she’s incredibly adorable.

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