Go here, here and here

The New England Mamas (my “other” blog place) got a nice shout-out here.

You can read my latest post here.

Also, please visit Liz and send her your best thoughts today.

Finally, please keep my kitty Zack in your thoughts. He is in Kitty ICU right now and not doing so well. More about that later.


  1. Congrats on a very lovely shout-out.

    I hope things turn around for Zack.

  2. I’m pulling for Zach and definitely feel for you. Having lost both Bootsie and Rocky within 6 months was heart-breaking for us. Although, If I didn’t know better, I would swear Max ate them (he’s now topping 120lbs)

  3. Oh no!!!

    I had no idea. I’m sending happy cat thoughts for sweet Zach.

  4. I read you over at NEMamas – VBS does sound less fun than a root canal, doesn’t it?

    My girl is there right now and my boy is going to actually have two root canals done soon. He’d complain equally about both but at least the root canals would be done in one day.

    Will be thinking of you and Zack.

  5. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  6. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  7. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  8. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  9. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  10. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  11. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  12. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  13. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  14. pinks & blues girls says

    I am really excited about the NE Mamas piece in the Herald, too!

    I hope Zach is doing better. I am thinking of you and him, and I know how you feel.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  15. Stay strong, Zack (paw in the air). We love you.

  16. Major Bedhead says

    I hope Zach gets better. It’s so hard when a pet gets sick – you kind of take them for granted when they’re there, but then, all of a sudden, when there’s a chance they might not be any more, you realize just how big a part of your life they’ve become.

  17. Poor Zack. I hope he gets better.

  18. Oh, The Joys says

    I’m so jealous of the new england mama’s thing. Particularly since you have Ruth. I love Ruth.

    Sorry about your cat, friend.

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