I’m Getting Scared That This Will Be My “Redrum”.

From Jilly, a few days ago:

“Look, mommy! An E!!!”

What is she spelling!?!?!?


  1. Y’know you’re taking homeschooling to a whole new level….

  2. “E” is for “excrement”…

  3. E is also for exciting. And educational.

  4. pinks & Blues Girls says

    It is definitely an innovative way to learn the alphabet!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  5. pinks & Blues Girls says

    It is definitely an innovative way to learn the alphabet!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  6. pinks & Blues Girls says

    It is definitely an innovative way to learn the alphabet!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  7. pinks & Blues Girls says

    It is definitely an innovative way to learn the alphabet!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  8. pinks & Blues Girls says

    It is definitely an innovative way to learn the alphabet!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  9. pinks & Blues Girls says

    It is definitely an innovative way to learn the alphabet!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  10. Wow, um thats some talent she’s got there!

  11. but Dr Oz says we’re supposed to be making S’s with our poop.

  12. lower case? If upper, I give her extra credit.

  13. Fairly Odd Mother says

    Upper, my dear. It was upper case.

    This girl has talent.

    And, Margalit, I had to google Dr. Oz, but, he does say that! Geesh, now I’m going to be examining MY poop for letters! Lovely!

  14. nuttnbunny says

    The young artiste and her early medium?

  15. theotherbear says

    I just wonder if it was an upper case or lower case e. If it was an upper case E she sure has talent.

  16. theotherbear says

    Oh and I just noticed someone else already asked my question. And you had answered it! Doh!

  17. you really should think about taking photos, and then you can be a published photog along with being a world famous blogger person.

    i mean, there are sites for this sort of thing, like http://www.ratemypoo.com

    (and folks, that is a “legit” site, so seriously, don’t go to it if you don’t want…er…to see other letters and what have you…)

  18. suburbancorrespondent says

    You know, you can take that tactile learning thing a bit too far….

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