Along with bottles of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and condoms, I, Mother Snoopmeister, now need to worry about my daughters having access to a stripper pole.
(from E!’s new show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians)
Seriously, this clip disturbs me on many levels (get about 1 minute into it to see what I mean): first, are people really installing stripper poles in their homes? I don’t care about those crazy Hollywood types, but are normal people doing this?
Second, how old is this girl*? I swear, I’d make her wear parachute pants, sweatshirts, sneakers and a bracelet monitor until she is 18.
Finally, did you recognize the father who came in to scoop up the stripper-wannabee? I thought he looked vaguely familiar, but also looked kind of like a woman. He is none other than Bruce Jenner who has gone from this:
Lesson learned: back away from the stripper pole and the surgeon’s knife.
*(edited to add: I just checked E!’s website, and our little dancer, Kylie, is—-get this—nine years old).
That girl looks to be younger than my 13 year-old daughter. That is seriously disturbing.
I cannot even begin to count all the things that disturb me in that video, not the least of which is the threat to beat a friend with a bat if she rips her dress?!? The whole Lolita thing is disgusting, and for crying out loud, can Bruce Jenner actually move any of the muscles in his face anymore after all that surgery, botox, whatever?
I saw that yesterday, and it is truly, truly disturbing. To his credit though, he did tell the girls that it was inappropriate. He looked pretty disturbed himself.
God, can you imagine trying to parent a young woman in the cesspool that is Hollywood?
I agree that it’s disturbing on many levels, my question is; who would even release/air/consent to having that out there with all the sickos in the world.
Sometimes I wonder if the process of evolution hasn’t actually reached some sort of tipping point and has now begun the process of reversal – wherein, over the course of several generations we will get down on all fours again and then finally slither back into the sea.
Remember, no clear shoes.
That’s just creepy and child-pornish – and where did that baby girl learn to do that? Her dad responded at least fairly appropriately, but having a STRIPPER POLE in one’s bedroom is just… icky.
I at least give him credit of hauling her out of there and telling his older daughter is was inappropriate!
I think Jenner’s response was appropriate in the moment, but if had been my child (not that I’d have a stripper pole in my house in the first) I’d have tried to keep the footage off the air.
Jenner’s fighting a losing battle anyway, since Kim already has a sex tape out there. Hardly a good role model.
I like his toast at the party, “let’s make it another 16!” Wow. Dream big. Another 16! Because that’s like 50 years in Hollywood years.
Wow – that is appalling.
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Yes, very scary. His daughter (one of his biological kids… no one in that clip) is a friend of a friend, and actually stayed over my house one night back in college. She said her father was pretty much non-existent for her growing up, more interested in being a celebrity than a father.
Jane, Pinks & Blues
Is it too late to put my girls back in the womb?
We bought our house based on the fact that the ceilings were high enough to install a stripper pole. I’m totally kidding!
*slams bedroom door shut & walks away whistling*
Seriously, though, look at her big sister/role models – they’re totally impressed by her. Sickening.
And his sixteen more years toast? High hopes, that one. Until I realized…maybe Bruce Jenner is 82 but we just. can’t. tell.
There are so many things wrong in that clip I don’t know where to start!
Horrifying! And it was clearly not the 9 year old’s first time near a stripper pole….
Please, please, please POWERS OF THE UNIVERSE help my daughter be AWKWARD during her teen years.
Scary. The pole, the girl, the “adults,” all of it. The parents ought to be ashamed of themselves. And yes, I am judging.
I’m going to have nightmares thanks to this.
This is why I have sons. The universe knew that my heart could not handle girls and I would have a stroke before they turned 18. .
So scary and so sad on so many levels! The surgery? scary. The young girl by the stripper pole? scarier. The fact that they even have a stripper pole? the scariest of all.
But yes, at least he hauled his young one away from the pole. But still.
That’s disturbing. It’s amazing what young girls are exposed to 🙁
“I swear, I’d make her wear parachute pants, sweatshirts, sneakers and a bracelet monitor until she is 18.”
Parachute pants? Stop, you’re killing me.
Seriously, though, any parent who installs one of those puppies in their house…geez.
Bruce Jenner. He should’ve stuck to Wheatie’s.