Future Mensa Members

My poor sister-in-law aged about twenty-five years during her visit over the Thanksgiving holiday. Here was a typical exchange between her and Jilly, my four-year old:

“Hey, Grammy, come here and look!”

“Jilly, I’m not Grammy! I’m Auntie N. . .”

(puzzled silence)

“OK, Grammy, but come here and look!”

Things improved as the week wore on until Jilly was simply calling her, “Auntie Grammy”. Now this would all be understandable if Jilly had never met her Aunt or her Grammy, but N was here in March (for Jilly’s birthday!) and Grammy was here in September, and we talk of them all the time.

The kicker was when we were out walking after Thanksgiving dinner. Jilly picked up a leaf, handed it to N and said, “Bring this to Pop-Pop”. I looked at N and added, “Yes, bring it back to Pop-Pop, your dear sweet husband”. Now, if we ever get Grammy and N in the same room, Jilly will be mighty confused.

On a similar note, D, our three-year old son, is having a hard time understanding that Halloween is over. D is what I would call the “strong and silent type”. A speech therapist would call him “delayed”. But, nevertheless, he has been making great strides in his talking, and we are thrilled every time he says something new.

So, when D announced “Happy Halloween!” the day after the holiday, we were thrilled. “YES! Happy Halloween to you too, Mr. Multiple Syllable Words!”.

Maybe we were too enthusiastic because we are still toasting to Halloween. Thanksgiving? “Happy Halloween!” Decorating the Christmas tree? “Happy Halloween!” We may even be hearing it at Fourth of July. This all from the little boy who was crying before he made it to the first house on the night of trick-or-treating because the decorations were too scary.

Makes you feel good that I’m responsible for shaping three young minds for the next generation, doesn’t it?


  1. suburbancorrespondent says

    I love that Happy Halloween story! He’s figuring it out, albeit slowly…don’t you love seeing how their minds work and how they gradually put things together (from one homeschooling mom to another)?

    And my children persisted during one visit in calling my sister-in-law “Uncle Margie.” She sort of liked it.

  2. Oh my gosh, you’re funny.

  3. Don’t you know its Halloween here year round…. We now have Christmas decorations and Halloween decorations up, since M won’t let me put them away…
    Its great that he is putting it all together now!

    I wonder if it wasn’t just a stubborn I am right, you are wrong thing with Jilly….
    Also, I am sure that the initial reaction of her calling her NOT OLD Auntie “Grammy” was pretty funny….

  4. For what it’s worth, chatterbox Thalia is still saying Happy Halloween too. They’re in good company!

  5. Oh, The Joys says

    Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Halloween.

    (Oh, I KILL myself!)

  6. Be Inspired Always says

    Funny post 🙂


  7. Alpha DogMa says

    So by next Halloween he’ll be wishing everyone a Joyous Labour Day.

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