Christmas is Cancelled

Sorry, Kids. Looks like Santa may be doing some hard time.

(many thanks to Fairly Odd Father’s cousin for helping to keep the ‘riffraff‘ off the streets this holiday!)


  1. Uh oh!
    (and what a good sport your cousin is – unless she was actually arresting Santa and then BAD COUSIN! BAD!)

  2. Oh, The Joys says

    Oh, the drunken Santas!

  3. suburbancorrespondent says

    That’s what happens when you know where all the naughty girls live!

  4. theotherbear says

    Oh well, Santa wasn’t going to come to my place anyway – he only gives to the good boys and girls.

  5. AnotherMomCreation says


  6. Alex Elliot says

    I’m trying to think of the lie I would have to come up with if my kids saw that. Actually, I really should work on that lie because you never know!

  7. Hmmm. Wonder what the charge was… I hope he wasn’t teaching the elves drinking games.

    Oh, she is sooo getting coal this year.

  8. I knew that guy was no good.

  9. Late to this as usual (i take my time don’t i?) but this reminded me of Ittybit on Christmas Eve telling me she was pretty sure Christmas was cancelled. That she thought “Santa was sick or something.”

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