“I No Like Santa!”

Sing along with me:

One of these kids is not like the others,
One of these kids just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which kid is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Hey, for the first year in three, I haven’t had to hold him in my lap! Progress!


  1. that may be true, but he’s just like all three of mine – except he doesn’t seem to be actually crying. They are pretty adorable.

  2. They’re all adorable. I love the way he’s pulling away, it adds personality. The look in his eyes reminds me of a Norman Rockwell print.

  3. Wow…you managed to get him in the photo without you?
    M has never been in a photo with Santa and E hasn’t been since she was 11 months old and even then she looked stunned!

    They do look cute, that is a keeper!

  4. is that the photo that u are using for ur christmas card?

  5. Mrs. Chicky says

    “If I don’t look at him maybe the fat guy in the red suit will disappear.”

    That’s the look on your little guy’s face. heh. It’s still cute though.

  6. My oldest has never gotten within a foot of Santa.
    At any time.
    She is now 8 and has yet to get coal in her stocking.
    (and what cute children you have!)

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