What Time Is It?

Today, I bought myself a couple pairs of shorts, a tank top and an adorable bikini. Then I stocked up on Easter Candy and new Easter baskets for the kids.

Phew! Good thing I got that done. It’s almost time for the the stores to stock for Fourth of July picnics.

I’m kidding about those purchases, but doesn’t it seem like retailers have lost their friggin’ minds when it comes to inventory? In mid-January, I walked into our local Target and was confronted with rack upon rack of women’s bathing suits, bikinis and cover ups. Further down were capri pants, short-sleeved blouses and mini-skirts. The few remaining winter clothes were crammed onto a few Clearance racks, as if winter was long gone.

This may be fine for Florida, but I live in Massachusetts. Today, the high temperature was 28 degrees. And I needed a new pair of winter gloves.

With low expectations, I went back to Target (hey, it is a mile from my house) to see if I could find winter gloves. Against all odds, I did find them. Two pairs of fleece gloves in between racks of kicky springtime pocketbooks and just down the aisle from all the flip-flops.

The other thing I noticed today was the huge amount of Easter stuff on display in the store. Who are you people buying Easter things in February? Please stop. Please stop now. Maybe if no one bought any of this stuff so early, the retailers would stop putting it out two or three months ahead of time. I’m not ready to think about Easter now, just like I was not ready to think about Valentine’s Day in December, or Christmas in September, or Halloween in August.

I’m aging quickly enough. Could we stop fast-forwarding the years?


  1. Alpha DogMa says

    If only the stores could find a way to commercialize Ground Hog’s day. Disney needs to get on board with a ground hog movie and kick start the marketing potential.

  2. Well said! And who wants to try on bathing suits when they’re all mid-winter flabby and pale anyway??

  3. Easter is only 5 weeks away though. But yeah. I have a friend who went out and brought all her kids bathing suits (plus a few spares a size larger in case they grow). But to her defense, last year, she waited until June and couldn’t find any in her kids size with adaquate coverage for them.

  4. I know. Bikinis in January make me want to cry.

  5. I agree with you – really, I do – but this year’s early Easter displays DO make sense, because we’re having the earliest Easter in nearly 100 years.
    WE couldn’t find the kids mitts this weekend. It’s -40 here today. Like we need mitts.

  6. AnotherMomCreation says

    Umm, ok the only thing I can say about the bikinis in the dead of winter is that all those college goers will be heading out on Spring break with their fabulous fake tanned bodies.

    Other than that, I am all set with Easter stuff before Valentines Day!

    Oh and just an FYI, Easter week is the ONLY week of the year that Target does not run a sale with a flyer.

  7. I’m done with buying for holidays. Like done for the next decade of holidays. No money for it. I’m spending all my extra cash on petrol-chemicals to get to work and back.

  8. I was totally terrified until I got to paragraph two. Please don’t SCARE me like that!! 🙂

  9. yeah. i’m not ready to ever think about valentine’s day. but, that’s just me.

  10. Trenches of Mommyhood says

    I’m pissed b/c I want to buy a winter coat for Eldest for next year (ON CLEARANCE of course) and all the spring stuff is on display and the winter stuff is ALL GONE.

  11. SuburbanCorrespondent says

    My entire life is on fast forward…

  12. In our Target they somehow combined the Valentine’s Day and the Easter items.

  13. Blog Antagonist says

    Puh. Try finding gloves or hats in February in Georgia. It’s flippin impossible.

  14. I hate this phenomena! And why is it things are put out earlier and earlier every year? Drives me nuts.

    And crap, because I really need a winter coat for next year. I hope I can find one.

  15. Just Seeking says

    I so agree! this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I really think they ought to tailor to their local market. When we lived in Tucson, where it’s hot hot hot, they’d sell snowpants in September—when it’s still swimming weather there! it drove me insane. I agree. Let’s boycott this early stuff!

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