40 is Kicking My Ass

I’ve always believed that age is a state of mind. Lately, though, I’ve felt about 75.

Since turning 40 last July, I’ve had:

* a colonoscopy;

* found out I’m just a step away from having a torn retina (a bit startling since the only other person I know who had a torn retina is the 80+ year old music director of our church);

* a mammogram which came back as ‘suspicious’;

* a second, let’s-really-squish-them-to-hell mammogram which, thankfully, came out fine;

* a hysterosonogram which is about as fun as being punched in the gut a few times.

And now, on Monday, I go in for a ‘procedure’ that involves some heavy sedation in the Day Surgery wing of our local hospital. Nothing too serious (well, at least I’m told that 99% of woman are ‘fine’ afterward), but, geesh, do you think 41 will be a bit easier to take?


  1. Alpha DogMa says

    Here’s to aging! Because the alternative is even suckier.

    Good luck tomorrow.

  2. My gosh, maybe you are just being “lucky” and getting it all over with now! You will live the next 40 some odd years not having to have another procedure! Here’s to hoping!

  3. Yikes, none of that sounds like very much fun at all! Here’s to another “just fine thank you” result tomorrow.

    PS A good friend of mine had a torn retina in her early thirties.

  4. Life As I Know It says

    Ugh, what a year you’ve had.
    Hope everything goes well today.

  5. AnotherMomCreation says

    Good luck today, I’ll be thinking of you.

    41 will have to better!

  6. Even with the diagnosis of my MS, I am loving my 40’s. Now if you want to tlak about a sucky part of my life, it was my 30’s.

    I am more sure of myself, more confident. I realize it is, “All about me”, and only because, if I am good to me, I can be good to others.

    Keep on truckin’!

  7. TraceyTreasure says

    I hated turning 40. Hated, hated, hated it. Well, I liked it compared to the alternative, I guess…..I’m with you! I’m going on 42 July 17th. Mind me asking what day you celebrate on? I’m hoping that all goes well for you!! Is drinking heavily now, an option? Hugs!

  8. I just got really psyched for 40. Thanks.

    (And it goes without saying that hope all is well in the healthy living dept)

  9. Wow, that’s some list you’ve got going, there.

    Maybe it has something to do with your Wii Fitness Age???

  10. Jozet at Halushki says

    Even with all the poking and prodding and fingers up the old rectal exam, what I love most about 40 is that I gained this magical super power to not give a crap anymore when it comes to telling people when they are totally ticking me off.

    You need to hone this super power and then enjoy it, especially when you’re in close quarters with someone talking loudly on their cell phone. It makes all the boob squishing so worth it.

  11. I’m sorry that the past year has been such a pile of suck. I hope that your procedure went well and that you’re home and resting and cheerful.

  12. Mary Alice says

    hoping all is well and that you get to rest, feet up, with a good book.

  13. mrsmogul says

    WHOA! cant wait for the ole mammogram when i turn 40! YEESH! I wonder how Demi Moore does it??

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