Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow, Part V (The Finale)

A long, long time ago (February), I got the bright idea that I’d post photos of my “Life in Hair”. Little did I know that it would take me six months to do so. To refresh your memory, Part I (let the humiliation begin) is here, Part II (shorter and shorter) is here, Part III (short and blond) is here, and, finally, Part IV (red isn’t dead, yet) is here.

I’m finally up to my days as a married lady. You’d think that marriage would’ve calmed me down, but, alas, I still don’t know what I want (when it comes to my tresses at least).

Here I am on my wedding day. Reddish hair, fresh face and hot. Oh, so very hot.

Eighteen months later, I was a momma. For whatever reason, this meant no hair coloring or hair cuts. Did I think that a hair cut would interfere with breastfeeding? Either that or I was just too tired to remember that I had hair.

Oh, and that cute kid in my lap? That is Belly.

A couple of years later, I was back to coloring and cutting my hair, but as this next photo shows, I had forgotten about sunscreen.

That chubby bug in my arms? Jilly.

My third, D, came some quickly after Jilly that there was really no time to think about switching hair styles. . .it was all I could do to keep track of the kids.

A few years later, I started to play around with color and shorter cuts again, which you can see in this really flattering photo. Glamour shot, isn’t it?

So,this is where I remain to this day. Sure, the color has gotten a bit redder from time to time, and the length goes up and down a few inches, but now the only thing that really is starting to look different is my “maturing” face.

Thanks for sticking with me through this. Jess at Oh, the Joys! once suggested I turn this into a meme, but I don’t think she thought it’d take me half a year to complete it! So, if anyone else wants to take a walk down memory lane and post their Life in Hair, please do so and let me know.

Finally, if you want to weigh in on your favorite photo in the series, let me know! I have a hair appointment coming up in a week or two, and I’m willing to take suggestions. . .

Double your pleasure, double your fun and come read what I have to say over here.


  1. Alpha DogMa says

    This is my favourite picture, but I don’t think you should necessarily revisit this classic. BUT this one, has potential.
    In your photo with Belly: she looks so wise. Well, pissed off, but also wise.
    I loved this series of posts. But no thanks, I’m not going to play along. I’m a chicken.

  2. I am partial to red. Very few of us can handle the red. I think those of us who are comfortable with our redness, knocks people off guard.

    Studies have shown then men are intimidated by red heads. That’s good to know in a debate, that I can have the upper hand by what Clairol bottle I pick up.

    I went red before children(19 plus years ago), and I have never looked back. My hair is also very short. I call it my pixie short hairdo. Works for me. And they say women are not feminine if they have short hair. *Looks down blouse* Yep…I’m still feminine!

  3. Whirlwind says

    I like your hair on your wedding day. The color and style really fit you there.

  4. I like the wedding day one too but I also really like it now.

  5. I dyed my hair red for SO long that I actually began thinking that I WAS a red head. Der.
    18 months after your wedding, eh? I was a mother nine months after my wedding.
    The picture of you with the perm in 1986? Hello, everyone I knew in 1986! Including me.

  6. TraceyTreasure says

    You always look beautiful no matter what you do with your hair!! You are gorgeous!!

  7. TraceyTreasure says

    I’ve got you and beck beat. I was a mom 7 months after my wedding. Yep!

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