Back-To-School Means Something Different Here

In only four Mondays, summer vacation as we know it will end for the kids in our town. And, while I should just be enjoying the summer, I am starting to sweat the start of our school days.

Why? Let me count the ways:

1. The “start of school” means I go back to some sort of schedule of teaching my precocious, stubborn, lovely, moody seven-year-old.

2. I meant to do “School Lite” all summer so that she wouldn’t forget everything she learned last year (especially math, blah). “Meant to” are the operative words.

3. This fall marks the start of Kindergarten for #2. And, while Kindergarten is not mandatory in our state (meaning I do not have to report her work to the school district), I would like to do some basic math and reading with her. This means juggling two kids around our kitchen table.

4. Oh, and I have a third to keep occupied during these hours. A third child who wants mommy to drop everything to “build a road and a house” out of blocks. Now.

5. Our homeschool coop will start up in September. As will Sunday School (I teach), Brownies & Daisy Scouts (resisting the call to lead a troop), dance class, gymnastics, swimming (thankfully, I do not teach any of those) and some social activity for D if he will ever allow himself to be potty trained and dropped off somewhere for a few hours.

6. All the while, I’d like to get washboard abs, cook homemade dinners nightly, enjoy my new job, write here and here, and hopefully see my husband from time to time as he juggles his crazy life.

The nicest thing? No more mad dashes for the school bus. Now, excuse me while I go to rouse everyone for Camp Week Two. We have a bus to catch.


  1. Heh, I couldn’t resist and now am in the process of becoming a Daisy Scout leader. IN addition to coaching soccer (and being VP of the league). I’m sure I’ll end up as room parent to each of the three classes this year as well. Maybe I should learn to duct tape my mouth shut….

  2. Rock the Cradle says

    I’m seriously considering a refresher course to become a lifeguard again, in hopes that I might teach some classes up here.

    Also, there is no lifeguard at the pool we now frequent (as nice as it is).

    Good luck with your school year!

  3. AnotherMomCreation says

    Umm, so your post made me thankful that school is starting here in, oh… 2 weeks! And catching the bus doesn’t sound so bad! I will have myself some peace with just 4 before the baby comes and she starts preschool in 4 weeks.

  4. I can commiserate with #6. Somehow those things never get done.

  5. Jozet at Halushki says

    I am a Girl Scout Leader. They will tell you that involves about an hour of volunteer time each week to prepare for meetings. I’ve found 5 hours to be closer to the truth, and 8 hours to be the truth. Only lead if you have a lot of other parent you can delegate to.

    Other than that, it’s great! 😀

    No really, it is great. Let me know if you need any BTDT advice or points in the right direction.

    And school bus? I’ve bribed my school bus drive to stop in front of our house. And pajamas are proper attire for public school, right? (Don’t tell me if answer is “no”.)

    Oh…and two words: Un School. If Prima makes it to the Olympic track, that’s what I’m doing. 😉

  6. I could have wrote this post!

  7. Alpha DogMa says

    Listen, Sister, you are suppose to wax poetic on all the GOOD things about homeschooling. You are NOT allowed to show human weakness or let reality taint my dreams (soon to be: reality) of homeschooling. Let’s recap: homeschooling moms are zen-like creatures who embody perfection, whose farts smell like lilacs, and who float two inches above the ground because they are buoyed by their own sense of self satisfaction, and always have a well-balanced meal on the dinner table by 5 PM every night. Got it? Good.

  8. Alex Elliot says

    Isn’t it amazing how different people’s lives will be a month from now?

  9. Yes, I too am in that “dread the fall” mode. In some ways I’m glad to get back to a routine, but mostly I just know it’s going to be crazy around here. I’m trying to get as much planning done first as possible, but yikes!

  10. SuburbanCorrespondent says

    6 PM, not 5. With the children freshly bathed and in sweet-smelling jammies. Just sayin’…

    She’s 7. Don’t sweat it. A page of math and a page of grammar and lots of reading aloud will do you. Honest. I know it’s hard when all the other hs’ed kids are spouting state capitals at the age of 4 and joining the Math Olympiad team when they are 8. But hang tough against overachievers, will you? I feel like a lone voice crying in the wilderness…

  11. You know? You’re right. I always think of back to school time as this universal time of joy for parents, not even thinking that for homeschooling parents, your work load just tripled. (Or something.)

    Fortunately you’re great at what you do.

  12. (fairy) Godmother says

    I had to come over from List Mama’s blog to see who Fairly Odd Mother is… I LOVE your Blog. I am in NE too btw!

  13. (fairy) Godmother says

    I hopped over from List Mama’s blog… I had to see who this Fairly Odd Mother is! I LOVE your blog. I am in (southern) NE too!

  14. I also have a 7-year-old, a soon-to-be Kindergartner, and a little one. I must admit, though, that I am giddily awaiting the start of school on September 2nd. I will no longer hear fighting all day long and will have only 1 child to take grocery shopping.


  15. I’m so intrigued and impressed by homeschooling when it’s done by smart, interesting people like you (seem to be)! Good luck with 2 kids at your table. Oh, and with the abs.

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