This is Scary

Dropped into the local Target today for a few things.

Stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this sign:

Hmmmm. . . what holiday could this be? I mean, I haven’t even gone on my summer vacation yet, and they are promoting, what? Labor Day?

Um, no:

Oh, yes, that would be Halloween-themed clothing. Thankfully, I did not see the fun-size candy out yet, but it can’t be far behind.


  1. Few days BEFORE the 4th of July I walked into a Yankee Candle store and they had a wall of fall scents set up. While I love their fall scents I nicely told the clerks there to give me a big old break! (I frequent the store way to often so I “know” them otherwise I would have kept my comment inside my head) Nothing like retail to rush everything along!!

  2. Ladybug's Picnic says

    For god sake. I predict the Christmas stuff to be up by September 1.

  3. Scary, but I thought it was going to be Christmas clothes. Even scarier? That you carry your camera to Target.

  4. I was going to say, it could be worse, it could be Christmas stuff!

  5. Thank you! And my husband wonders why I get so upset when Christmas stuff goes up before Thanksgiving. This commercialization of holidays is missing the whole point of the holiday to begin with!

  6. AnotherMomCreation says

    That’s funny because last summer they had that out in July!

    I thought for sure you were going to say Christmas.

    Babies R Us has had halloween costumes for at least a month now….

  7. Right, buy your fun-size candy now and store it until Halloween. That’s how it works at my house. No one around here would ever dip into those packages, requiring multiple re-stocks before the Big Day.

    Re Christmas, personally I won’t step foot in a mall between October and the day after Thanksgiving… too nauseating/depressing. Thou shalt buy BUY BUY!!

  8. I’m with Karen. Thankfsgiving is my favorite holiday…whay you may ask, I shall tell you.

    I think many of us have forgotten the real meaning behind Thanksgiving, but all that aside, it is a time to get people/families together and EAT!

    I take Thanksgiving and put on a spread that would rival Julia Childs…OK maybe not, but people do not leave my table hungry and I love to cook. I enjoy the smells, the people showing up, the conversations that fly between people…I love it all.

    And yet, it stabs a wee bit at my heart when I go in right after Halloween and see Christmas items. Helllooo, what happened to Thanksgiving?

    Oh yeah, it has a tiny little display way over there in the corner. And yet at least in the grocery world, it is still the biggest holidsy. People still eat at home, for the most part.

    So why not devote more time and space to that holiday??? I still love Thanksgiving.

  9. I was in Michael’s today and they were honest to god putting out the Christmas stuff. There were two employees setting out the Christmas aisle with ornaments and things.

  10. WE got our Sears Christmas catalog last week. How festive.

  11. Ya, I was expecting it to be Christmas gunk. Sigh. This is the kind of thing that happens when AD stops blogging.

    BTW, saw your Twitter status on sidebar: next Olympics (winter) are in Vancouver. 3 hours early than Eastern and 4 hours earlier than my Atlantic Standard time. Better but not best.

  12. We have Halloween candy for sale here already! Soon it will be Christmas crap…

  13. Okay I got you beat – I found ice melt at Wal-Mart today. If I go back this week, I’ll snap a picture!

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