(Not Really) Roughing It

When most people heard we were going to spend a week tent camping in New Hampshire, their reaction was one of either sympathy or disbelief. Only a few seemed envious of our vacation plans. I realize that camping isn’t for everyone, but it really isn’t as much work as people may think. You just have to be ok with a little dirt, a lot of chilly (or too hot) and a tiny cook stove.

Here is D stirring up some eggs for breakfast:

We went for a walk down to the river and Belly got her toes wet. The water was C-O-L-D!

Then, Fairly Odd Father showed the kids how to skim rocks:

Jilly played her first game of mini-golf. Well, her first physical, not-computer-game-based, game of mini-golf:

One afternoon, we spent at a huge mountainside lake. Oddly, the water in the lake was much warmer than the water in the campground’s pool:

A highlight of our camping trip had to be cooking hot dogs over the open fire. Of course there were marshmallows cooked too:

But, with 40 degree nights, breakfast was the chilliest meal:

A trip to the Fair was well worth it. After all, D got to try out the big tractors:

and, Jilly got to play “impatient Massachusetts driver”:

D and I posed in the Carousel bench—it was his idea to sit there, honest:

The girls screeched on the roller coaster:

And, before we knew it, it was time to go home.

Not a bad way to spend a week. Even if I did have 10+ loads of laundry to do when we unpacked.


  1. Subspace Beacon says

    That looks like fun.

    We’re camping this weekend — but in our tent trailer. I’m too old to sleep on the ground, and the bears are too wily.

  2. SuburbanCorrespondent says

    I hate camping. I know I’m supposed to enjoy it, blah, blah, blah; but I cannot stand to have the kids go to bed dirty. I can’t stand waking up in the cold. I can’t stand the bugs. I hate having to go to the spider-filled bathrooms in the middle of the night.

    And I feel guilty. Because it looks like everyone else has so much fun!

  3. Seriously Mama says

    Looks like you have a fun trip. We are also a tent camping family. Fun times around the campfire almost make up for all of the laundry.

  4. Seriously Mama says

    Umm, I mean HAD a fun trip. Believe it or not, english is my first language.

  5. Tent camping ROCKS. Been doing it for years and, while our frequency has diminished post kidlet, it’s even more fun now!

  6. I think it looks like a great way to spend a week – as long as it isn’t raining. Camping in the rain is my own personal version of hell. (That and nine hour legal meetings. Don’t ask.) And in NH to boot, what an amazingly gorgeous little corner of the world. I can’t wait to come back.

  7. Looks like a perfect weekend. Except for the cold water. I won’t swim unless the temperature is somewhere north of “about to boil”.

  8. Issas Crazy World says

    I profess to hate camping and in some ways I do….but the things you said and the family time together, un-plugged, that I miss.

  9. I can’t get over the image of Jilly surrounded my a mountain of luggage. Be careful how fast you take that turn, ma!

    Looks like a blast. When Phe is old enough to stop wandering, we’ll join ya!

  10. I love to camp! I didn’t get to this summer because I was extremely pregnant. I look forward to more camping next year. I love the last picture of everything in the van. We look like that too. You almost have to take the kitchen sink too!

  11. That looks like so much fun! You little guy was hard at work on making your breakfast! How sweet. MY husband is trying to get me camping next weekend. If we had a fair close I might just go!

  12. Can’t wait til my kids are old enough to go camping. I miss it.

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