‘Twas Two Days Before Disney

‘Twas two days before Disney, when all through the house

All the creatures were stirring as they thought of that Mouse.

The mommy was strung out with bags that were bare

With hopes they’d be full before she pulled out her hair.


I would write more but there is no time. Must wrestle the cat into a carrier and drop her at my mom’s. Laundry, laundry, laundry. Pack, oh, yes, pack.

And thrown into the mix are three bored, anxious, mommy-needing kids.

Gotta run.


  1. You pack like me – it’s no fun unless it’s a last minute panic.

    Have a GREAT trip!

  2. Subspace Beacon says

    Disney? As in World or Land?

  3. Try doing it when you are all battling the stomach bug! Not fun!

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