Power to the people!

How we are feeling today:


(photo taken on a much warmer day in 2007)


  1. Issas Crazy World says

    I am completely with you.

    Love that picture. It’s perfect for today.

  2. fist in the air.

    I’m feeling like a lousy mother today, though, telling the kids to be quiet so I can hear the TV. sigh.

  3. Brilliant photo for the day, indeed!

  4. Subspace Beacon says

    Good job, America!

  5. Oh, that’s cute. YAY FOR TODAY!!

  6. Don’t feel bad Mrs. Q. FOM and I were kicking D and my son out of the room so we could hear. I think I even threw Jilly’s singing doll.

  7. SuburbanCorrespondent says

    Was it ever really that warm?

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