“Mommy, come here, come HERE!”.
My four-year-old son’s face was flush, and he was quivering with excitement when I walked into the front door of my sister’s home. She had been watching my three kids (plus her two) for a few hours while I brought my mother to a meeting in the city.
“Wow”, I thought. “What could have him so excited? Had my sister made something car-shaped for dinner? Had he built something amazing with Duplo blocks?”
He practically dragged me into the kitchen and showed me his cup. Full of water.
He pointed to the refrigerator and said in awe, “Water come from a fingy in there.”
All hail the mighty in-refrigerator water dispenser. To think we spent thousands of dollars making him miserable at Disney when all he needed was a fridge with perks.
Ha! They start young loving appliances don’t they?
My parents have to lock theirs or my kids would fill glasses all day long. I admit – I wish we had one at home on our fridge, but right now I’m just excited about new kitchen curtains and those are super low-tech 🙂
LOL, isn’t that always the way?
PS My husband is banned from the dispenser at our friends’ house after shooting ice across the kitchen many years ago ;-).
What a riot! We don’t have one of those either and I’m just about positive my kids would be entirely blown away if they ever saw one!
ROFL. That tickled me. Wish it was still that easy to impress my boys.
That little device is one of the things that has helped us encourage Princess to drink more water. She gets such a kick out of being able to do it for herself.
Isn’t that always the way? It’s exactly like spending hundreds of dollars on a toy, and the kid prefers the box.
I’m sure my 4-year-old would be similarly awed by an in-refrigerator water dispenser. We got rid of our water cooler when we switched to drinking tap water, and she really loved that thing too. Actually, no longer having to deal with the mini-floods from her ‘projects’ was a real upside to getting rid of it.
Adorable! When my kids were little, they were amazed by the most unamazing things. Now not so much. Enjoy it while you can.
If only I could get them that excited about the washer and dryer.
The little things in life. LOL
The little things in life. LOL