The Fairly Odd Mother
Just another WordPress site
Hmmmm, it's gonna take a little work to decipher that. *lol*
Huh. I'm not sure what he means.
Hmmmm… You need an expert on this case, I think.
Perhaps he's interested in raising a wild boar? You know kids and their misspellings. ;o)
At least it's not 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.'
I was just thinking that it was very Shining-esque. Spooky.
Well I am impressed with his ability to express himself….
At least he's not writing "worst mommy ever" or "mommy is stoopid". Er. Ahem. Never mind.
Ha! 😀
Stopping by from Foursquare Schoolhouse to say hi. 🙂
i don't think that's creepy (aka Krystan's comment) but maybe it's time for a new fun activity? lol
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Hmmmm, it's gonna take a little work to decipher that. *lol*
Hmmmm, it's gonna take a little work to decipher that. *lol*
Huh. I'm not sure what he means.
Huh. I'm not sure what he means.
Hmmmm… You need an expert on this case, I think.
Hmmmm… You need an expert on this case, I think.
Perhaps he's interested in raising a wild boar? You know kids and their misspellings. ;o)
Perhaps he's interested in raising a wild boar? You know kids and their misspellings. ;o)
At least it's not 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.'
At least it's not 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.'
I was just thinking that it was very Shining-esque. Spooky.
I was just thinking that it was very Shining-esque. Spooky.
Well I am impressed with his ability to express himself….
Well I am impressed with his ability to express himself….
At least he's not writing "worst mommy ever" or "mommy is stoopid". Er. Ahem. Never mind.
At least he's not writing "worst mommy ever" or "mommy is stoopid". Er. Ahem. Never mind.
Ha! 😀
Stopping by from Foursquare Schoolhouse to say hi. 🙂
Ha! 😀
Stopping by from Foursquare Schoolhouse to say hi. 🙂
i don't think that's creepy (aka Krystan's comment) but maybe it's time for a new fun activity? lol
i don't think that's creepy (aka Krystan's comment) but maybe it's time for a new fun activity? lol