I’ve gotten to be a bit “bah humbug” about Valentine’s Day over the years. How did a holiday that is presumably about the sweetness of love become so over-commercialized and junk-filled?
This year, I decided to take back Valentine’s Day and do something to share our love with some people who could really use it. So, we decided to make Valentine Day’s cards for some of the Veterans in our local VA Hospital. Using the free and willing help of the kids in our homeschool coop, we sat down one Wednesday afternoon and got to work.
With a bunch of plain white cards, heart stamps and stickers, the kids sat down and made cards for the Vets. Even us moms got involved, writing messages like “Thank your for your service” and “Happy Valentine’s Day” on our own creations.
Last week, we took our stack of Valentine card’s to the massive complex that is the VA Hospital in our area. We delivered our cards to the Volunteer Services coordinator who will have them put on dinner trays on Valentine’s Day.
Our Valentine’s have already been delivered, but I’ve since learned of Valentines for Veterans, a project to boost the morale of Veterans during National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week that runs from February 7-13.
In addition, Bloganthropy saw my Tweets about our coop project and wrote to tell me of donations the website Dollar Days is making to Sew Much Comfort, an adaptive clothing company for wounded soldiers, in honor of National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week. For every blogger who signs their form by February 4th and then publishes a post about their Valentines for Veterans participation by the 12th, Dollar Days will donate $50 in clothing to Sew Much Comfort.
In addition, Dollar Days will donate an additional $50 in clothing for any blog post that gets at least ten comments. So, please leave a comment and help Sew Much Comfort get more items to help Veterans.
For all the details on how you can help Sew Much Comfort provide free adaptive clothing to service members in need by making Valentine’s for Vets, please see Bloganthropy. Many thanks to Dollar Days for donating to such a great organization.
And please don’t forget to comment here—I need ten of you (and thanks to you too!).
This is fantastic. Library patrons made card for the vets last year. Will participate. Thanks
This is fantastic. Library patrons made card for the vets last year. Will participate. Thanks
What a fantastic round up — thanks for the great ideas! -Christine
What a fantastic round up — thanks for the great ideas! -Christine
What a good idea!
I managed to get my boys to make 3 Valentine's cards each & then they revolted. "Too much pink!," being their general sentiment.
What a good idea!
I managed to get my boys to make 3 Valentine's cards each & then they revolted. "Too much pink!," being their general sentiment.
That's all full of wonderful! great job! 😀
That's all full of wonderful! great job! 😀
This is a wonderful way to put the real meaning back in Valentine's Day. Thanks for teaching your children to take care of veterans.
This is a wonderful way to put the real meaning back in Valentine's Day. Thanks for teaching your children to take care of veterans.
What a great way to celebrate with your kids!
We are sending packages to the single sailors on Ian's ship..
What a great way to celebrate with your kids!
We are sending packages to the single sailors on Ian's ship..
What a terrific way to mark the holiday and really put some good into it.
What a terrific way to mark the holiday and really put some good into it.
That's awesome. My daisy troop made Valentine's last week that we will distribute at our local nursing home.
That's awesome. My daisy troop made Valentine's last week that we will distribute at our local nursing home.
Thank you for sharing this. I will blog about it soon!
Thank you for sharing this. I will blog about it soon!
Oh what a wonderful idea!
Oh what a wonderful idea!
Woo hoo! Thanks to all for the 10 comments! You rock!
Woo hoo! Thanks to all for the 10 comments! You rock!
This is a sweet idea.
This is a sweet idea.
These are great ideas! Thanks for info and link to Sew Much Comfort, too. That's a program that's right up my alley.
These are great ideas! Thanks for info and link to Sew Much Comfort, too. That's a program that's right up my alley.
What a great project! I'm an Army wife with a husband getting ready to deploy to Kuwait in May for a year so these are the best projects to support! Thanks! http://youthfultips.blogspot.com/2010/02/bloganthropy-valentines-for-veterans.html
What a great project! I'm an Army wife with a husband getting ready to deploy to Kuwait in May for a year so these are the best projects to support! Thanks! http://youthfultips.blogspot.com/2010/02/bloganthropy-valentines-for-veterans.html
Sew funny! I wonder if the Vets will agree with Subspace Beacon's boys and say, "Too much pink!" or maybe "Too much glitter!" But really, can you ever have too much? I think they will love the Valentines all the same!
Sew funny! I wonder if the Vets will agree with Subspace Beacon's boys and say, "Too much pink!" or maybe "Too much glitter!" But really, can you ever have too much? I think they will love the Valentines all the same!