Playing hooky

“My legs hurt”, Belly complained this morning.

I looked at her skeptically. She had just skipped down the stairs into the kitchen, and only raised the issue of her legs after I reminded her she had dance class tonight.

“Where do they hurt?”

“Here. . .and here. . .and, um. . .here”, she said as she pointed to vague area of her legs. Maybe her legs hurt. Maybe she just doesn’t feel like going to dance. Maybe she doesn’t feel like going anywhere.

I can’t say I blame her for wanting to lay low. After too-many-days of go-go-go, I think we’ve hit a wall. Other than some school work this morning and a bit of laundry, none of us want to go anywhere. Even D waited until 3:30 to get out of his pajamas.

I prodded Belly a bit more and discovered she had a slight misunderstanding with a girl at dance; nothing major, but maybe enough to make her legs “hurt” a bit more. She won’t admit it, but I think she just doesn’t want to go to class today.

And, since we never, ever randomly skip classes, I think today we will. And give her a “legs” a few extra days to heal.


  1. Sometimes spontaneous "hang out and do nothing" days are the most restful and cathartic of all. I hope you enjoy yours, and may her legs feel better! 🙂

  2. Sometimes spontaneous "hang out and do nothing" days are the most restful and cathartic of all. I hope you enjoy yours, and may her legs feel better! 🙂

  3. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    We have been doing nothing much BUT hang out and do nothing. Every day. All Day.

    I am ready for spring.

  4. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    We have been doing nothing much BUT hang out and do nothing. Every day. All Day.

    I am ready for spring.

  5. kiwi gomes says

    I agree! Everyone needs a mental hygene day!!!! I know I love sick days! I seem to be able to catch up on a ton!

  6. kiwi gomes says

    I agree! Everyone needs a mental hygene day!!!! I know I love sick days! I seem to be able to catch up on a ton!

  7. Oh your such a good Mommy! 🙂

  8. Oh your such a good Mommy! 🙂

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