Getting my double D’s

Something is definitely wrong with me.

Every morning, for the past weeks, I wake up tired. Halfway through the day, I need to lie on a couch while I beg the kids to give me just a couple of minutes to rest. Coffee does nothing, even in the middle of the afternoon or late at night.

I can’t think, I can’t write, I can’t run. It takes me hours to craft a single review and then I’m done for the day. One weekend in NYC (with my child! no partying!), and I need a week to recover. I look at the house and sigh at all the projects that I want to do, but just. can’t. do.

And so after checking in with Dr. Google and freaking myself the hell out, I called my doctor’s office and asked them to check my blood. They took five vials, presumably to check for everything from thyroid disease, to Lyme, to much, much worse.

I called for my results on Tuesday, nervous that I’d hear a kind-but-serious voice telling me to please come in ASAP. Instead, the nurse told me that all looked well, but my Vitamin D levels were very low.

My what?

Yes, Vitamin D.

Turns out that while I’ve been busy slathering on the SPF 30 on my face every morning this winter (thank you Dr. Dermatologist), I’ve been shielding my body from absorbing those sun rays our bodies need. Add that to the cloudy-all-the-time summer we had in ’09, and I can see how I might have become deficient in that area (and I know I’m not alone).

So every Tuesday, for the next eight weeks, I take prescription doses of Vitamin D that are so high, I’m not posting them here for fear that the FDA will confiscate them. And then I’ll be on a maintenance plan of calcium/Vitamin D.

Oh, and, I’ve scrapped the face creams with sunscreen in them, at least for the time being.

I’d rather have wrinkles as I run around town, than a smooth face that doesn’t feel like doing anything.


  1. Interesting. 'Cause I take calcium and vitamin D daily. Why? The Femara I'm on to keep my cancer from returning is known to cause bone loss.

    Sexy, eh? Like the hot flashes weren't awesome enough.

    So…not only will that calcium & D make you feel better, but ya won't break a hip! Yea!

  2. Interesting. 'Cause I take calcium and vitamin D daily. Why? The Femara I'm on to keep my cancer from returning is known to cause bone loss.

    Sexy, eh? Like the hot flashes weren't awesome enough.

    So…not only will that calcium & D make you feel better, but ya won't break a hip! Yea!

  3. Well, honey, with our genes, the only way you are getting double D's is by taking a pill or getting them implanted.


    Glad to hear there is a reason, and a fairly fixable one, for your ick.

    I've been taking 2,000 I.U. of D3 since last fall's swine flu outbreak, so curious to see how your regimen makes you feel…

  4. Well, honey, with our genes, the only way you are getting double D's is by taking a pill or getting them implanted.


    Glad to hear there is a reason, and a fairly fixable one, for your ick.

    I've been taking 2,000 I.U. of D3 since last fall's swine flu outbreak, so curious to see how your regimen makes you feel…

  5. Mama Goose says

    I took 50K (yes, 50,000) mg twice a week for a couple of months and my levels have come back up. I now pop 1000 daily and feel much better. Hope you're feeling back to normal soon.

  6. Mama Goose says

    I took 50K (yes, 50,000) mg twice a week for a couple of months and my levels have come back up. I now pop 1000 daily and feel much better. Hope you're feeling back to normal soon.

  7. Issas Crazy World says

    hhmmm, I switched to a face moisturizer that has sunscreen in it. Am wondering now if I shouldn't have done that.

    Hope the extra D helps quickly.

  8. Issas Crazy World says

    hhmmm, I switched to a face moisturizer that has sunscreen in it. Am wondering now if I shouldn't have done that.

    Hope the extra D helps quickly.

  9. Between your title about double D's and your fatigue, I was sure you were going to say you were knocked up…
    Vitamin D deficiency is a huge problem for Americans… I'm on supplements, and I try not to go crazy on the sunscreen for my kiddo…
    Good luck, and I hope you feel better!

  10. Between your title about double D's and your fatigue, I was sure you were going to say you were knocked up…
    Vitamin D deficiency is a huge problem for Americans… I'm on supplements, and I try not to go crazy on the sunscreen for my kiddo…
    Good luck, and I hope you feel better!

  11. I just started the same course of treatment, MEGA D once a week. Except I take it on Sunday. The weird thing is I live in Florida and am outside with my dogs all the time without sunscreen. No lack of sunshine here. This is my third week and I'm starting to have a little more energy so there is hope for you! I did read that many women are low no matter how much sun we get so maybe it's an absorption issue?

  12. I just started the same course of treatment, MEGA D once a week. Except I take it on Sunday. The weird thing is I live in Florida and am outside with my dogs all the time without sunscreen. No lack of sunshine here. This is my third week and I'm starting to have a little more energy so there is hope for you! I did read that many women are low no matter how much sun we get so maybe it's an absorption issue?

  13. Weird, dude. I heard about this happening to kids so I stopped slathering them unless there was a real risk of sunburn. If they are just playing in the shady yard though, I skip it.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    And it's Mrs. Q For The Win!

  14. Weird, dude. I heard about this happening to kids so I stopped slathering them unless there was a real risk of sunburn. If they are just playing in the shady yard though, I skip it.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    And it's Mrs. Q For The Win!

  15. margalit says

    You are not alone. We're all low on Vit D. I had such a low reading last year that not only did I have to do the big megadose once a week, I had to do a smaller dose daily. I didn't mind taking the pills as much as I minded a winter with no sun.

    But I have to tell you, I didn't get much more energy. A bit, but not like I used to be. Now my doctor wants to test for cortisol. It never ends.

  16. margalit says

    You are not alone. We're all low on Vit D. I had such a low reading last year that not only did I have to do the big megadose once a week, I had to do a smaller dose daily. I didn't mind taking the pills as much as I minded a winter with no sun.

    But I have to tell you, I didn't get much more energy. A bit, but not like I used to be. Now my doctor wants to test for cortisol. It never ends.

  17. Suburb Sierra says

    Two neighbors were diagnosed, one on 6K and one on 60K mg, so it seems to really vary depending on the symptoms.

    May you find energy, strong bones, and a healthy smile – and those wrinkles are a sign of wisdom, not age, so wear them with pride. Sounds like the motto for the AARP, doesn't it? I'll meet you at the early bird buffet….

  18. Suburb Sierra says

    Two neighbors were diagnosed, one on 6K and one on 60K mg, so it seems to really vary depending on the symptoms.

    May you find energy, strong bones, and a healthy smile – and those wrinkles are a sign of wisdom, not age, so wear them with pride. Sounds like the motto for the AARP, doesn't it? I'll meet you at the early bird buffet….

  19. Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville says

    Maybe that's my trouble… I feel like I got hit by a truck most days. (Then again, I do have three small children under 4… so who knows). Good to check next doc's visit!

    Hope you perk up soon!

  20. Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville says

    Maybe that's my trouble… I feel like I got hit by a truck most days. (Then again, I do have three small children under 4… so who knows). Good to check next doc's visit!

    Hope you perk up soon!

  21. Sarahviz says

    Here's to wrinkles and more energy!
    Loved laughing with you on Saturday night!

  22. Sarahviz says

    Here's to wrinkles and more energy!
    Loved laughing with you on Saturday night!

  23. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    I hear ya on seasonal depression. Glad it's something that's easily taken care of.

  24. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    I hear ya on seasonal depression. Glad it's something that's easily taken care of.

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