Life, though different, marches on

I’ve been reluctant to post too much about the issue we’ve had with one of our kids (for the background, please go here), since every time I am ready to write something (“Things are so much better!”, “Things couldn’t be worse!“) the exact opposite of what I’m about to say occurs.

In a nutshell: still no medical reason why one of our kids is afraid to eat. The good news is that this child IS eating some foods. The bad news is that there is still pain, although with some comfort and redirection, the pain can disappear within a minute or two.

The other bad news is that this child is reluctant to DO anything, which, as you can imagine with three kids and summer’s open schedule, is a bit hard to take.

“No, I don’t want to play with XYZ”

“No, I don’t want to go to the beach”

“No, I don’t want to go out for ice cream”

It’s as if an alien came and replaced my “up-for-anything, happy-go-lucky” child with a “NO” robot.

But, I press on. There have been a couple of playdates—-happy, wonderful playdates where I see the smile on my child’s face is as big as ever. There have been outings and bike rides and walks and movies. Not all smooth-sailing, but none total disasters either.

But, a couple of weeks of summer camp looms on the horizon. Every time I think about it, I get a stomach ache myself. Will my child go to camp easily? Will this be a struggle? And then, selfishly, will we lose the hundreds of dollars if this child refuses to go?

Summertime, and the living’s easy. Or so the song goes.

I wish it were so.


  1. Obi-Mom Kenobi says

    Sadly, I have not words of wisdom for you. But do know I'm thinking of you, and hoping your child is back to being happy and care-free very, very soon.

  2. Obi-Mom Kenobi says

    Sadly, I have not words of wisdom for you. But do know I'm thinking of you, and hoping your child is back to being happy and care-free very, very soon.

  3. Oh, Christina, I'm so sorry. Poor baby. And poor Mama.

    I hope it all gets resolved soon. My heart goes out to you all.

  4. Oh, Christina, I'm so sorry. Poor baby. And poor Mama.

    I hope it all gets resolved soon. My heart goes out to you all.

  5. Holy Crap! $2000 to $5000 a month in extra income?

    Sign me UP, random spam-bot!

  6. Holy Crap! $2000 to $5000 a month in extra income?

    Sign me UP, random spam-bot!

  7. Just kidding – I think that's funny. I'm not making a comment on whether or not you deleted that.

    Jeez. Now I am going to worry all day that I offended you…

  8. Just kidding – I think that's funny. I'm not making a comment on whether or not you deleted that.

    Jeez. Now I am going to worry all day that I offended you…

  9. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    I have a No Robot this summer, too. It's hard to not be concerned, but I'm trying to follow his moods, rather than what I think I would be feeling if I were him. Sigh… I can't imagine adding an eating issue on top of it all.

    Good luck. I'm crossing my fingers and everything else that this problem becomes a short-lived one.

  10. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    I have a No Robot this summer, too. It's hard to not be concerned, but I'm trying to follow his moods, rather than what I think I would be feeling if I were him. Sigh… I can't imagine adding an eating issue on top of it all.

    Good luck. I'm crossing my fingers and everything else that this problem becomes a short-lived one.

  11. I have spent 18 years with a nobot and

    i have learned many many things about this difficult personality. Call me and we'll talk.

  12. I have spent 18 years with a nobot and

    i have learned many many things about this difficult personality. Call me and we'll talk.

  13. Fairly Odd Mother says

    Deb, I LOVED your comment! No way would I be offended by that! It took me a minute to understand what you meant since I read my comments in most recent-to-oldest order. I did end up deleting Mr Spam, although his offer was MIGHTY tempting. LOL

  14. Fairly Odd Mother says

    Deb, I LOVED your comment! No way would I be offended by that! It took me a minute to understand what you meant since I read my comments in most recent-to-oldest order. I did end up deleting Mr Spam, although his offer was MIGHTY tempting. LOL

  15. I'm sorry Christina…It's the worst thing to see our kids suffering. 🙁

  16. I'm sorry Christina…It's the worst thing to see our kids suffering. 🙁

  17. Oh, sure, let Deb see the comment and make the money and leave the rest of us hanging.

    Know that I continue to send you and yours good vibes.

  18. Oh, sure, let Deb see the comment and make the money and leave the rest of us hanging.

    Know that I continue to send you and yours good vibes.

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