So proud

Today, my son D had his first Occupation Therapy session after a month-long break—his teacher was on medical leave for the month of April. He was excited to see her, but I was feeling a little sheepish since we hadn’t practiced his handwriting as much as I would’ve liked.

As we walked into the school where he has his weekly sessions, I mentally went over all the things he did this past month.

Apparently, so did he.

Because as she approached us with a wide smile and a hug for D, he pulled back and said, “Guess what I learned to do???

And he put his hand under his armpit and began pumping up and down until the telltale “farting” noise came out.

My heart, it swells with pride.

Thanks, honey!


  1. Ahahahah! that's HILARIOUS! I can just imagine it too *grin*

  2. Boston Mamas says

    Dude, I'm impressed. I still don't know how to do that with my armpit. 🙂

  3. Issas Crazy World says

    Hey that's a bit accomplishment.

  4. Thalia and Sage can't wait for him to teach them in a few months.

    Sniff. Sniff.

  5. That is HILARIOUS!

  6. That is hysterical, and so something my kids would do too.

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  7. Christine says

    Man, he sure takes after his father, doesn't he?

  8. Tracey - Just Another Mommy Blog says

    Typical boy.

  9. Let me know when he perfects Hendrix doing the National Anthem…then, I will be SUPER proud. 😉

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