Happy Birthday! Oh, not to you. . .

I’m sitting here with my son who is asking me to spell some words:

“How do you spell Happy?”
“OK, now Birthday?”
(oh, how sweet, he’s making me a birthday card!)
“Now spell Love”
(yes, sweetie, love you too)
“and Best?”
(oh, he’s laying it on thick now)
(sigh, I do like when the kids tell me they think I’m a good teacher)
(sniff. . .this is going to be a good card)

Wah, wah, wah . . .looks like this one isn’t for me after all. Good thing he has a few more days to work on that card for me.
(Hold me: I will be 44 in a few days. My mind does not quite compute this aging thing; maybe I can just pretend it’s not happening)


  1. Well first, Happy Birthday!
    Second, look at the bright side; you have raised him to be a thoughtful caring person to make a birthday card for someone other than his family. :-p

  2. pandorican says

    You're only as old as you tell people you are. ( I, for one, will be turning 30 for the third time in a few months.)

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