Is this the little boy at play?

I’m going to try not to get all Sunrise/Sunset on you all, but—hold me—my baby is seven today.



I have a hard time reconciling my growing-up boy with this idea that he will be, always and forever, my baby.

This summer, I remember crouching down at the end of the long-jump pit, waiting with camera to eye for his legs to come running toward me.


I almost didn’t click the camera because I thought, Who is this older kid running toward me?

Oof, my heart. He IS the older kid.

Hug your babies, mamas. It does go so fast.


Though seeing the person he is becoming is pretty awesome too.


I am so lucky this little boy is mine. Happy Birthday D.


  1. Oh, look at him fly! He's come a long way from the little baby who used to wail every time you walked out of the room.

    He is awesome! We love you, D!

  2. Hugs! I know how you feel. As my "baby" likes to tell me "I'll be 7 in 10 days, mom". She's counting down 🙁

  3. The Girl Next Door says

    Such a handsome guy!! Enjoy every moment and embrace the future. It's going to be AWESOME.

  4. Oh, I hear ya sistah! Ben will be 7 on November 21st and I am in utter shock.

    Oh–your D is precious! His darling little face makes me smile every time I see him–love 'im!

  5. gymnastics for toddlers says

    It's nice to see him becoming active as growing up. Time goes by fast and it's quite surprising your baby is now all grown-up.

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