Deep thoughts, according to a seven year old


From my son:

So when someone says, “I love you with all my heart”, that means they hate everyone else right? 

You guys. . .you GUYS. . .he is now like this ALL THE TIME. He’s my own personal Jack Handy. The little boy who didn’t say three words at two, or ten words at four, is now always, always talking.

You should’ve heard the conversation we had about corn on the cob at the Farmer’s Market. It went on for so long that the woman standing nearby had to laugh at how often one little person could ask whether or not there would be worms in our corn.

This gift for gab is definitely a “my side of the family” trait. Oh, he has definitely inherited it. And then some.


  1. Too funny! The doctors were concerned Daniel (just turned 2) was not talking as much as he should. I told them I was not concerned AT ALL because I knew he would talk when he was ready and then most likely never stop!
    Dollops of Diane recently posted..A Boy Room and a Girl Room – But When?My Profile

  2. Tee hee! Talkative and smart. Just like his mama.
    Mrs. Q. recently posted..Just beachyMy Profile

  3. He is brilliant. And Jack Handy’s website is amazing!
    Patois recently posted..I’ve Had it With This PersonMy Profile

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