Using the rhythm method

For me, the start of a new “school” year is all about finding a groove, or rhythm, to our day that feels natural. By natural, I mean that we need to all feel awake and ready to work when it’s time to work.

So, mornings are good, but not too early. Afternoons aren’t good because my brain stops working properly after 3pm.

But, I’ve hyperventilated more than once this week over the thought of trying to “do it all” this school year. What, pray tell, is “all”?

Two kids homeschooling this year;

An eager preschooler who wants to do some schoolwork too;

Writing for two cool sites; soon, three when this gets relaunched;

Exercising, something I need to do for my well being;

All the activities we have going on: soccer, girl scouts, dance, swimming, coop;

And, of course, fitting in playdates with homeschool and regular school friends.

We used to start doing school at 10am and finish by 1ish. But, with double the number of kids “in school”, I need more time. Which means I need to dial back our start time to 9am which eats into my valuable work time, and/or my workout time.

Since I can’t write at night (other than little quips on Twitter about whatever reality television show I happen to be watching), I have decided to try exercising after I put the kids to bed. Yes, Shred after Bed, or something like that.

So, tonight was to be Night #1. And instead of working out, I fell asleep on the couch.

I may need to think about this new schedule a little bit more.

The End of the Secrets

For you New Englanders, check out
New England Mamas‘ series on Secret Spaces—we’re just wrapping things up tonight and will be selecting one commenter to win some prizes from us women.

I’ve written about my favorite spot in the world, and also the place I go to get dirty.

I ate delicious lobster rolls on the Cape and then got my informant to tell all about where they were sold. She was fearful that the Cape Cod Mafia may come after her, but I scoffed. Cape Cod Mafia? What would they do? Slice her with a razor clam? Tie her up in whale-embroidered belt? She saw the light.

Finally, I also passed on info on a couple of playgrounds that another friend was also not afraid to share.

Hope you get a chance to visit.

(and, by the way, does my formatting look screwy to you? hope to get that fixed someday. . .)

Down On My Knees

Look what I was doing on Sunday morning. . .