Swept clean by Irene

Not all that long ago, this was what the inside of my refrigerator looked like:


Since those days of plenty, we’ve replaced this refrigerator with a sleeker, stainless-steel version, which was just as packed as the one above.

Until Irene.


After 52 hours without power, we are back to a clean slate. But, other than a bunch of branches all over the yard, nothing was damaged.

And little jars of jams, sauces and chutneys can be replaced pretty easily.

Hope my East-coast peeps made it through Irene without losing too much as well.


  1. Issas Crazy World says

    I'm glad all you guys lost was food.

    I believe I have your exact old fridge. I dream of the bigger ones, but my kitchen is so teeny, I'm not sure there is enough room.

    Also it's good to see you back in my reader.

  2. YOU LET THE CHUTNEY SPOIL?!?! *grumble*

  3. my fridge and freezer are so clean I almost don't want to ever put anything in it. I kept all the jams and jellies though (and the eggs – frankly my m-i-l stores hers on her kitchen counter and nothing bad ever happens).

  4. We went 107 1/2 hours without power – lost a full refridgerator and 2 partially full freezers worth of food. Ughh. But, no big damage and everyone is safe!

  5. I guess I shouldn't be jealous about how clean and lovely your fridge looks, right?

  6. I'm so glad I brought chutneys!

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