
My youngest turned eight yesterday.  And he’s become such a great little kid, even if his LEGO collection will someday take over our home.

family at christening

Our little family, complete, in 2005





Yeah, kid, Disney isn’t for everyone. I understand.




With Ron and Roy, your beloved potatoes


Ooooo, LEGO!





Smile! I said smile!


Up at 6:30 for new LEGO kit, of course.

Happy Birthday to my beautiful boy.


  1. Oh, D– We love you to (small plastic interlocking) pieces!
    Mrs. Q. recently posted..And she’s offMy Profile

  2. I loved seeing all these Dante pictures!

  3. Oh my gosh! I remember his potato friends, he slept with them didn’t he? Oh my gosh, he’s so sweet. I feel like he and Benjamin are connected, after learning they both have a Meow. Happy, happy birthday to your sweet little boy (eight still falls into the ‘little boy’ category for me…just so ya know!).

    When Benjamin turns 8 in November, I’ll have to remember to do a pictorial timeline of him like this…instead of potatoes, I can post a picture of his marshmallow snowmen that he’s had since he was two. Yes, they’re stale.
    Jessica recently posted..{ Review! } :: Reading Horizons at HomeMy Profile

    • LOL! YES! He slept with those potatoes! And I love that Benjamin has marshmallow snowmen. I think our boys would make fast friends if they were ever to meet, don’t you?

  4. Oh! So cute and so handsome. I hope I get to meet him in person someday. Happy birthday to your baby!
    Julie Marsh recently posted..One year laterMy Profile

  5. That very first picture in 2005 – that’s still how I imagine him, in your arms at my baby shower, with Isabelle running around playing with my nieces. I’ve loved so much getting to see each of them grow into the remarkable, kind, caring, wonderful kids that they are.

    Happy happy birthday Dante!
    Mom101 recently posted..Where I’m going. And you’re coming with me.My Profile

  6. Totally forgot to wish him a happy birthday last weekend. Ugh. Where does the time go? I still love that we drank from the same pregnancy water around the same time…can’t believe 8 and 10 are just around the corner for us! Happy Belated Birthday D!
    Christine Sierra recently posted..My Love of Hotel BarsMy Profile

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